
Episode 1: This is a Sign to Do THE THING!

February 6, 2019​

HI WELCOME!! YOU MADE IT!! I have so much to catch you guys up on. So much has happened which includes a huge shift in my life that resulted in a beautiful breakthrough. It has led me to this moment right now of the creation of this new podcast, me becoming a life coach, and starting a patreon page! I went from a deep depression to fully stepping into my purpose. I share exactly what happened and when everything just clicked.

I believe with all my being that everything I’ve ever been through, combined with who I was created to be, is to serve the purpose of helping YOU wholeheartedly embrace your purpose and to live your life to its fullest potential – inside and out! As you realize how powerful, valuable, and extremely needed your voice is to create change in the world that only YOU can do, that burning flame inside you will only grow stronger and stronger within. With that mindset, you’ll step into your truest self and impact others around you on a level that creates visible shifts in their lives.

*Special thank you to my fabulous editor: Asia Maralag // IG: @bearglary, www.amaralag.wixsite.com/audio